Starring: Colin "The Brit" Firth and Geoffrey "Still A Carribean Pirate" Rush
The Plot: The always elegant Sir Colin Firth (is he a Knight?) plays a King who can't get over his stuttering ability in order to get pizza delivered from the first Domino's Pizza built in 1936 London.
The Review: An incredible film! Colin Firth is totally convincing as a king who stutters! I can't think of any other actor fit for this role except maybe the dearly departed Gary Coleman. The film opens up with Colin Firth trying to order a pizza from his office (castle?) but his stuttering prevents him from communicating the order correctly resulting in a scene so utterly convincing and realistic that only by repeating the dialog can you get a sense of it's greatness:
-King Colin (on the phone with Domino's Pizza): "I w-w-w-www-wwant a m-med-dium s-s-size ppp-iza w-w-w-ith -ee-e-very t-tthing ON IT."
-Domino's Pizza: "You want a large pizza with everything on it plus a large coke?"
-King Colin: "I nn-ne-verr s-said a-a-Coke. J-just a l-large pp-p-pizza!"
-Domino's Pizza: "I can't understand you, Your Highness. You want a what? A small ham sandwich and a vanilla shake? We don't have that at Domino's, My Lord."
-King Colin: "A-a-are y-you deaf? I-st-st-stutter but y-y-you're ssstuuppid."
-Domino's: "No need to insult me, Your Highness. Let me get somebody more skilled in stutter-lingo to help you."
(a few moments later)
-Domino's Pizza: "C-can I-I-have y-your order, Y-Your H-h-h-h-highness?"
-King Colin: "F-f-finally. S-someone that can u-u-understand-w-w--w-w-ww-w- wwhere I-I am coming f-from. I ne-never t-thought o-o-ordering a f*cking p- p-p-pizza would t-t-take a f-f-f-f-f-f*cking half an-an-an h-h-our!"